Saturday, January 13, 2007

Song: The Dawn Will Bring A New Melody.

Explain how they had musical instraments at the camp. Who provided them and why did you want to learn the clarinet? The instruments were brought in by an organization (it could have been the YMCA) trying to make life more bearable while we were locked-up. Instruments were given to muscians in the camp. Johnny Ward was my instructor on the clarinet "poor guy." A lot of these guys played for professional bands in the U.S. I gave it enough time, weeks or months. but it wasn't going to happen. We had to practice inside the aborts (latrines), when it was cold. Then there was the time guys wanted to escapce from the latrine and they went around telling everyone not to use latrine Y. Music by John V. Ward, lyrics by R. M. Koenig.

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